Friday, January 30, 2015

Student Success Statement

Ben Carson
  • Born in the slums of Detroit, in deep poverty
  • His mother and father divorced
  • His mother couldn't read
  • His mother raised Ben ans his brother, Curtis
  • Ben was the worst student in his grade school class
  • Ben becomes top student in his school
  • Ben becomes a world renowned doctor
Student Student Success Statement
"I hated poverty. Poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and i can change that ( poverty). It depends upon how hard I want to work and I decided that i would change it"
Dr.Ben Carson
Reflection : Ben Carson life story is a incredible achievement. His statement brings hope and a desire to work hard to me. It goes to really show that  you declare what you will achieve in life , poverty or prosperity is decided in your daily activities. Choosing to do the right and stay dedicated to hard work is exactly what Dr.Ben Carson did and that shows in his title as world renowned neurologist.  

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Student Success Statement when is right wrong and wrong right

Student Success Statement

"When is wrong right and right wrong?"

Never, because " You can't be right by doing wrong; you cant be wrong by doing right"
Thomas S. Monson
Student Reflection : Wrong is always wrong and by no means can it be justified into becoming a right. You may declare a wrong right for understandable reasons but that in no way does that make it a right. The reason for that is principle. Without principle being defined confusing is caused. For lack of principle understanding and respect to abide by  the principle of right is the beginning of a cycle of wrong choices being made.

Eastern Medicine Doctor

Eastern Medicine Doctor

Duties and Responsibilities : Oriental medicine practitioners use forms of acupuncture and treatment through the Chinese concept of “qi,” which means energy.Practitioners must be able to evaluate a patient’s symptoms and identify what organs or tissues are causing the ailment, and come up with a customized plan that incorporates oriental herbs and practices into a treatment.

Salary: median: $46,536 (2014)

Education: Education requirements vary from state to state but most practitioners earn a Bachelor’s degree in biology or another medical related field, then go on to fill state requirements for practicing oriental medicine. Most states require students to work as an intern or apprentice for a specific number of hours in order to qualify for certification, and then have them take an examination to become certified through the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.

Reflection: It is a interesting career because unlike a regular doctor a Eastern Medicine doctors help their patients achieve more than to overcome their illness. These doctors can help their patients achieve balance and wellness in their everyday lives.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Student Success Statement Dr. Norman Vicent

"Enthusiasm makes the difference"

Dr.Norman Vincent Peale

Reflection: If you put enthusiasm into whatever you're doing the results will be much  higher compared to  if you weren't. If your putting enthusiasm into whatever it is you're doing you will get the most out of whatever that is. For example if you put enthusiasm  into working out, you will work out more and get a better quality of it. In  sports whether you put enthusiasm into your training makes the difference between 1st and 2nd place. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Dean Smith success statement

Student Success Statement

“I wasn’t trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do what was right”

Reflection: Dean Smith was an absolutely remarkable man. It amazes me on how much compassion and love he had for his players. I believe Dean Smith is the true definition of pure honesty. He proved that not through words but solely through his actions.  I had a football coach who reminds me of Dean Smith because even though we weren’t very high skilled another coach told us that his main goal was not to make us better at football, it was to make us better at life.  Dean Smith is man who is truly respected because of his honest behavior towards everything from life principles to NCAA basketball regulations.

Criminal Justice Paralegal

Criminal Law Paralegal

Duties and responsibilitiesinterview clients and law enforcement personnel for key facts of a crime. You will also perform criminal background searches, obtain police records and crime scene evidence, interview witnesses, prepare written responses to questions served by opposing counsel, draft motions to the court on evidence and procedural issues, prepare trial exhibits, and suggest questions for attorneys to ask on direct and cross-examination of trial witnesses.

Salary:  median yearly salary of $46,680

Education: complete an associate's degree in paralegal studies at a community college. Another is to combine a bachelor's degree in an academic subject with a certificate in paralegal studies from a college or university.

Reflection: I am highly interested in this career field. My dream is to one day to be a lawyer and this would be leading me in the right direction. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“ It’s not about how to achieve your dreams. It’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the right way, the karma (destiny, fortune, good luck) will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you.”
Dr. Randy Pausch

Reflection:  I think that if you set yourself up for success you are going to be successful.  Therefore I completely agree with this ideological idea.


(ENT) Doctor

Duties and Responsibilities : Responsible for surgical and medical treatment of the ears, nose, and throat, as well as the related head and neck areas. Specialized skills of otolaryngologists include managing disorders of the upper pharynx and oral cavity, larynx (voice box), ears, nose and nasal passage, and face and neck.

Salary: Median of $205,000 per year

Education : At least five years of surgical residency, a one-year course in general surgery and a four-year course in otolaryngology.

Reflection : The salary pay immediately attracted my attention, but this career requires dedication and a specific interest in patients  ENT. ANother thing is a ENT Doctor is required to perform surgery and let me say i almost gagged when looking at pictures of a finished throat surgery.NT

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Cell phone Battery saving tips

Essential phone battery saving tips you NEED to know

  • Reduce email, Twitter, and Facebook polling. Set your various messaging apps to "manual" for the polling or refresh frequency, just as a test, and you'll instantly extend your device's battery life by a significant amount. 

  •  Turn unnecessary hardware radios off. It's great that today's phones have LTE, NFC, GPS, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.
  • One of the coolest features of iOS 7 is called Background Motion. It's subtle, but if you move your iPhone and watch the app icons and background image, you'll see them move slightly independently of each other, as if they're on different planes. This is called a parallax effect. It's really cool, but it also drains battery.
  • Turn on Auto-Brightness
Reflection: These tips will ensure your phones battery is conserved and used to its maximum ability.

Heroin Deaths

Heroin deaths shooting up

Many more people are dying from heroin overdoses than in previous years, according to the latest available statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Drug overdose is on the rise and has been for the last 20 years, but specifically heroin is up by 39%.That means 5,927 people died after using heroin in 2012 and that number jumped to 8,260 deaths in 2013. Those are the latest numbers available.

My opinion is that if you are using heroin you are not properly contributing to society so your death most likely is going to benefit our country.   

Mario Cuomo Quote

“Every time I've done something that

doesn't feel right,

it has ended up not being right.“

Mario Cuomo

When you feel that something doesn't feel right its because most likely it isn't. You should always stick to your morals and principles no matter what anyone says. Wrong is always wrong whether everyone is against it or everyone is for it. 

Electrocardiogram Technician

Electrocardiogram Technician

Duties and Responsibilities:Electrocardiogram (ECG) technicians use special equipment and medical techniques to record the electrical impulses transmitted by a patient's heart. Data acquired by electrocardiogram technicians assists physicians and cardiologists in diagnosing medical conditions in patients.

Salary: Median annual salary (2014) : 30,104

Education requirements: Certificate or associate's degree in cardiovascular technology

Reflections: I wouldn't mind learning these skills but i definitely wouldn't make it a long term career.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
" Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education"


M.L.King Jr.
Reflection: This quote means that not only will knowledge get you a true education, but the student must use intelligence and personal skills to be the most successful h /she can be in a learning environment. 

Registered Dietition

Registered Dietitian

 Duties and responsibilities of a dietitian include to provide nutritional therapy, educate the public on nutrition and food, planning meal programs.

Salary: The average national salary is  $56,170

Education: coordinated program in dietetics, dietetic program plus internship.

Registered Dietitian with healthy food

Reflection : I think i would be interested a dietitian because I believe it is very important to monitor
 what food you eat.